Dear friends of Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa.
Finally, the good news we have all been waiting for will be going ahead on Monday 19th July!
Throughout the last year guests and staff have continued to amaze me with how quicky we have been able to adapt to new changes and challenges thrown our way. I, like many of us, will be delighted to see things resume as normal across England in the next week or so and although we have continued to provide 5 star service & comfort will be thrilled to see guests in a more relaxed environment.
As we near closer to the 19th July, I want to remind you that our highest priority is the safety of our guests and staff. Though we are heading in the right direction, we are very much aware that this is a marathon not a sprint! With that being said, we want to update you on some changes which will be happening come ‘freedom day’.
To ensure life seems as ‘normal’ as possible, we will be making the wearing of facemasks & visors optional to guests. Our staff have made the choice to continue to wear masks in all public places, this includes our leisure team & personal trainers, this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Both social distancing and the rule of six will be relaxed, along with the mixing of households. All public areas within the hotel will return to ‘business as usual’, so feel free to pay our bar team a visit! Our spa will continue to make the wearing of masks compulsory for staff, you may also see many of our other staff wearing masks throughout the hotel which is a decision we are very supportive of.
As mentioned, guest and staff safety are paramount to us, so we will be continuing certain cleaning protocols for the foreseeable future. This includes sanitising stations throughout, Zoono electrostatic antibacterial spray down throughout the hotel & spa and lateral flow testing for staff, which will be carried out at least weekly. NHS Track & Trace will be available for all guests who wish to check in.
We do ask if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has, that you delay your visit and contact our team on 01638 663 175.
We appreciate that with the uncertainty of the last year that all guests will be returning to ‘normality’ at their own pace, so we would greatly appreciate if you could be as considerate as possible to other guests & our staff with their personal choices.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Noel Byrne,
Chief Executive